Society for Endocrinology has an information page about adrenal crisis, together with a resource detailing who is at risk of adrenal suppression when on exogenous steroids, and a downloadable sheet for sick day rules when on steroids.
Age UK is a charity that provide help for older people in numerous ways. They have a telephone friendship service for people experiencing social isolation, an advice line to help with information about benefits and finances. Their website has information about power of attorney and living wills, pensions, carers, health conditions, loneliness and remaining active. Age UK also provide help with local help at home, gardening and handyperson services, as well as social events, dementia meeting services and day cares.
Asthma and Lung UK is the UK's leading lung charity. Their website contains a host of information about different lung conditions including asthma, COPD, asbestos related lung conditions, bronchiolitis, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, sleep apnoea and more. They run a helpline and can provide advice on many aspects of living with a lung condition. This includes advice on how to manage a lung condition, information about specific conditions, information about medication and treatment, lifestyle advice, managing flare-ups, and information on government financial help and funding.
British Hypertension Society - home blood pressure monitoring diary. Send to patients with home BP machines - gives all the instructions. They can then drop readings in, or send in the average reading.
British Pregnancy Advisory Service - patients can self-refer to BPAS if considering an abortion. Resources on the website give information about termination of pregnancy including medical vs surgical management. Phone number on their website to contact and arrange treatment. BPAS provide pre and post-abortion counselling and discussion.
Information about conditions affecting the cardiovascular system, such as aneurysm, angina, arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, hypertension and others. There is also information about cholesterol, blood pressure, and lifestyle advice about management. As well as helpful information leaflets, there is a free helpline run by cardiac nurses who can provide advice on diagnoses, lifestyle advice and information about medications.
Diet information sheet for the management of raised triglycerides.
Eczema Care Online will help you to keep your skin healthy and live well with eczema. The website has been developed by people with eczema and a team of health experts using the most up-to-date research evidence. Includes information about treatments, diet, allergy, cosmetics, itching, and how to manage impact on life/school/work.
EMC contains information about medicines licensed for use in the UK. All documents have been checked and approved by either the UK or European government agencies which license medicines. Contains summary of product characteristics (SPC) and patient information leaflets (PIL). SPCs contain useful information about prescribing, dosage, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, prescribing in specific circumstances, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hepatic and renal impairment. Contains side effects (listed by frequency).
Asthma UK website, videos and instructions about how to use different inhalers with and without spacers. The Asthma and Lung UK website more broadly has a lot of information about different lung conditions, and a helpline with trained staff who are able to provide advice about management of different lung conditions.
A charity for victims and survivors of honour based abuse in the UK. Honour based abuse can take many forms, including child marriage, virginity testing, enforced abortion, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, as well as physical, sexual and economic abuse and coercive control. For some communities, the concept of ‘honour’ is prized above the safety and wellbeing of individuals. To compromise a family’s ‘honour’ is to bring dishonour and shame – which can have severe consequences. This is sometimes used to justify emotional abuse, physical abuse, disownment and in some cases even murder. Honour Based Abuse is more prevalent within communities from South Asia, the Middle East, and North and East Africa. Reports come from Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Orthodox Jewish and occasionally traveller communities. It is not determined by gender – both perpetrators and victims can be male or female.
Visual summary of primary and secondary prevention lipid management NICE guidelines.
Resources for patients to help towards better self-management of their long term pain. Offers knowledge, tools and resources to help patients become clearer about their needs, manage or cope with their pain well and be more effective in their use of health care. There are also resources for doctors to support patients living with chronic pain.
Information for people who have had a miscarriage. Includes advice and information about miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, trying for pregnancy after miscarriage. Also ways of marking your loss, a support helpline.
Moodgym is like an interactive self-help book which helps you to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. Moodgym provides training in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), and consists of five interactive modules which are completed in order. These include information, interactive exercises, workbooks to record thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and quizzes with personalised feedback.
Provides health professionals with accessible, evidence based, condition specific information to help give advice on physical activity at all stages of children, young peoples and adults treatment pathways. The "share benefits" section of each conversation gives condition specific benefits of exercise which may help motivate patients to improve their fitness.
NHS service for mental health and wellbeing support for veterans, service leavers and reservists. Patients will be speaking with people who are either from the Armed Forces community or highly experienced in working with serving personnel, reservists, veterans and their families. Services include providing care and treatment for mental health problems, including therapeutic treatment for psychological trauma, and intensive emergency care in crisis. They also work with charities and local organisations to support patients with their wider health and wellbeing needs, such as housing, relationships, finances, employment, drug and alcohol misuse and social support.
Information about medications used for mental health. Includes information leaflets for patients and also information for doctors, including: medications in pregnancy, comparing different medication side effect profiles, management of drug specific side-effects, switching medications or formulations.
Information about how to check your peak flow and how to complete a peak flow diary. The Asthma and Lung UK website more broadly has a lot of information about different lung conditions, and a helpline with trained staff who are able to provide advice about management of different lung conditions.
A small volunteer led charity that aims to provide support and information about Pelvic Girdle Pain. Their website has good practical suggestions for things such as pain management, and approaches to tasks such as sitting, bathing, driving, sleeping, etc.
RCOG has developed a number of helpful information leaflets for patients about various procedures and conditions. Includes leaflets on topics such as hysteroscopy, LLETZ, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, miscarriage, assisted delivery, pelvic girdle pain etc. A good place to source additional information for your patients.
A resource created by NHS Scotland: self help resources for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Contains suggestions of strategies to manage issues with time management, anxiety, impulsiveness, attention, frustration, home management, problem solving, sleep etc.
An organisation offering peer-to-peer support to all those over the age of 18, impacted by suicide loss in the UK. They help those bereaved by suicide to support each other, at the time of their loss and in the months and years that follow. They offer peer led support groups, online virtual support groups, a national telephone helpline, online community forum and email support.
NICE guidelines for lipid management in people who are intolerant to statins.
The Stay Alive app is a suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis. Opportunities to create a 'life box', with images and videos that are important to you, and to create a safety plan. Resources including breathing exercises and signposting to links for help including emergency help.
Resources to support teenage mental health. Includes information leaflets and also links to four free mental health apps: Calm Harm (resisting self-harm impulses), Clear Fear (managing symptoms of anxiety), Move Mood (to help with low mood and depression), and Combined Minds (aimed at helping families and friends to provide mental health support). Resources on the website have sections aimed at teenagers, at schools, at healthcare professionals, at families and also at friends of somebody struggling with their mental health.
BMJ article that compared effect of tai chi versus aerobic exercise for fibromyalgia: comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trial. Outcome was a reduction in symptom score that was greater in those who did tai chi exercises. Article may be used to facilitate discussions with patients around tai chi or other stretching exercises as a pain management strategy in fibromyalgia.
A youtube video that goes through some tai chi exercises for patients with fibromyalgia. Involves a number of seated exercises and low intensity exercises. A randomised control trial demonstrated evidence that exercise such as tai chi may be helpful for pain management in fibromyalgia; this video is one example of some exercises that they may find helpful.
The Sleep Charity produces a wide range of evidence-based information on all aspects of sleep from triggers to treatments. This includes advice sheets and suggestions for people of all ages, with specific information for children, teens and adults. They also have a helpline where they can discuss recommendations and strategies.
Resources and information for pregnancy and pregnancy loss. Includes a pregnancy hub with information about planning pregnancy, being pregnant, giving birth, and postnatal information. Pregnancy loss section includes information about miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, neonatal death, termination of pregnancy, and has links to their online community support groups.
Versus Arthritis is a charity that raises awareness and supports people with arthritis. Their website has information about arthritis and its various treatments, and other rheumatological conditions such as fibromyalgia. They also have a helpline for further information and advice. This page in particular has exercises to keep joints healthy and to help with arthritis related pains.
Information and support for women experiencing domestic abuse. Contains a survivor's handbook with advice about how to safely leave an abusive relationship. The website directs to other agencies for support including the Refuge domestic abuse helpline.
Mental health resources for children and teenagers. Includes advice and a helpline for parents, and advice written for teens.