National charity supporting people with eating disorders. Has a helpline, instant messaging support, an online chat room, resources and information about eating disorders, and help for friends and family.
Specialist dementia nursing charity that is there for the whole family. The nurses, known as Admiral Nurses, provide free, life-changing support and advice to anyone affected by dementia. There is a free helpline and you can also book virtual-online appointments with the nursing team to ask for advice and go through any questions that you may have.
This fact sheet provides some practical strategies for dealing with the troubling behaviour problems and communication difficulties often encountered when caring for a person with dementia.
Family planning association (FPA) information booklets. Written for patients, also helpful for doctors. Leaflets about contraceptive methods, emergency contraception, STIs, postnatal health, and abortion.
A charity for victims and survivors of honour based abuse in the UK. Honour based abuse can take many forms, including child marriage, virginity testing, enforced abortion, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, as well as physical, sexual and economic abuse and coercive control. For some communities, the concept of ‘honour’ is prized above the safety and wellbeing of individuals. To compromise a family’s ‘honour’ is to bring dishonour and shame – which can have severe consequences. This is sometimes used to justify emotional abuse, physical abuse, disownment and in some cases even murder. Honour Based Abuse is more prevalent within communities from South Asia, the Middle East, and North and East Africa. Reports come from Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Orthodox Jewish and occasionally traveller communities. It is not determined by gender – both perpetrators and victims can be male or female.
An organisation offering peer-to-peer support to all those over the age of 18, impacted by suicide loss in the UK. They help those bereaved by suicide to support each other, at the time of their loss and in the months and years that follow. They offer peer led support groups, online virtual support groups, a national telephone helpline, online community forum and email support.
Resources to support teenage mental health. Includes information leaflets and also links to four free mental health apps: Calm Harm (resisting self-harm impulses), Clear Fear (managing symptoms of anxiety), Move Mood (to help with low mood and depression), and Combined Minds (aimed at helping families and friends to provide mental health support). Resources on the website have sections aimed at teenagers, at schools, at healthcare professionals, at families and also at friends of somebody struggling with their mental health.
Victim Support helps anyone affected by crime. Not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved. It doesn’t matter when the crime took place, or whether it has been reported it to the police. They run a 24/7 helpline that is independent from the police, free and confidential.