Resources for patients to help towards better self-management of their long term pain. Offers knowledge, tools and resources to help patients become clearer about their needs, manage or cope with their pain well and be more effective in their use of health care. There are also resources for doctors to support patients living with chronic pain.
A small volunteer led charity that aims to provide support and information about Pelvic Girdle Pain. Their website has good practical suggestions for things such as pain management, and approaches to tasks such as sitting, bathing, driving, sleeping, etc.
Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) and Urgent Eyecare Service (UES) is an NHS service provided by opticians to assess and treat both minor and sudden onset eye problems. Patients do not need a referral from a GP. The website has a link to find local participating opticians which patients can then contact directly. Examples of problems that may be suitable include: Red, dry, gritty, painful, inflamed, watery eyes. Flashes, floaters, loss of vision, foreign body in eye, minor eye injuries.
RCOG has developed a number of helpful information leaflets for patients about various procedures and conditions. Includes leaflets on topics such as hysteroscopy, LLETZ, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, miscarriage, assisted delivery, pelvic girdle pain etc. A good place to source additional information for your patients.
BMJ article that compared effect of tai chi versus aerobic exercise for fibromyalgia: comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trial. Outcome was a reduction in symptom score that was greater in those who did tai chi exercises. Article may be used to facilitate discussions with patients around tai chi or other stretching exercises as a pain management strategy in fibromyalgia.
A youtube video that goes through some tai chi exercises for patients with fibromyalgia. Involves a number of seated exercises and low intensity exercises. A randomised control trial demonstrated evidence that exercise such as tai chi may be helpful for pain management in fibromyalgia; this video is one example of some exercises that they may find helpful.
Educational tool that aims to inspire research-based action in the treatment of chronic pain. Animated and written information about understanding chronic pain, and learning to overcome it. Useful resource links about understanding pain and moving towards recovery.
Versus Arthritis is a charity that raises awareness and supports people with arthritis. Their website has information about arthritis and its various treatments, and other rheumatological conditions such as fibromyalgia. They also have a helpline for further information and advice. This page in particular has exercises to keep joints healthy and to help with arthritis related pains.
Information for patients about possible next steps when presenting with gut problems: "If you have gut problems or problems with your poo, then it’s important that you get the right diagnosis. Your GP may suggest that you have several tests, examinations or investigations. We hope that this information will help you understand your pathway to getting a diagnosis and make things seem less overwhelming."
Suggested pathway for investigating abdominal pain/GI symptoms in adults and children. Aims to reduce time to diagnosis by suggesting ways to co-investigate various possible causes of pain, as well as providing advice on red flag symptoms to watch out for.