FLOWS is a legal support service, designed to help protect women against domestic abuse. They can provide advice on things such as injunctions (e.g. non-molestation orders), divorce, or what happens to somebody's home if leaving a partner.
Guidance for prescribing contraception in women over 40yrs. Includes when to safely stop contraception, how to co-prescribe with HRT, and safety considerations.
24/7 National domestic abuse helpline for women experiencing domestic abuse. The helpline provides emotional and practical support. They can help with planning an escape, financial and legal advice, and can help find a refuge vacancy for people leaving an abusive situation.
Rock My Menopause was set up to give women the confidence to recognise and discuss their symptoms and equip families, friends, employers and the wider public with information about the menopause to support women at this time of life. Rock My Menopause is a campaign of the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum (PCWHF), providing expert medical guidance, direction and information about the menopause.
App designed to help with pelvic floor exercises. There is information for both men and women with pelvic floor dysfunction. Particularly helpful for women post-natally, the app guides you through an exercise plan and you can set reminders on your phone.
Information and support for women experiencing domestic abuse. Contains a survivor's handbook with advice about how to safely leave an abusive relationship. The website directs to other agencies for support including the Refuge domestic abuse helpline.
Detailed factsheets on the most common gynaecological conditions and sexual health. Helpful information and infographics for HRT including a factsheet on risk factors for breast cancer (putting HRT into context).