Developed with the NHS and RCPH, What 0-18 has created information leaflets for common conditions seen in children in primary care. These can be sent to parents to provide additional information and safetynetting advice. Also known as 'healthier together'.
The Children's Society is a resource for children who are living in difficult situations. The website provides signposting to places where they can seek help. It also has information about mental health, abuse, and practical advice about things such as household bills and finding a job.
The Sleep Charity produces a wide range of evidence-based information on all aspects of sleep from triggers to treatments. This includes advice sheets and suggestions for people of all ages, with specific information for children, teens and adults. They also have a helpline where they can discuss recommendations and strategies.
Suggested pathway for investigating abdominal pain/GI symptoms in adults and children. Aims to reduce time to diagnosis by suggesting ways to co-investigate various possible causes of pain, as well as providing advice on red flag symptoms to watch out for.