Acne Support provides expert, impartial information from consultant dermatologists on the treatment, causes and prevention of acne, as well as advice on how to access emotional support. Includes information about different treatments available (both on prescription and over the counter/through beauty clinics), how they work etc.
Information about how to taper alcohol safely, when detoxing at home. Information about alcohol withdrawal symptoms, support, and examples of alcohol reduction regimes.
National charity supporting people with eating disorders. Has a helpline, instant messaging support, an online chat room, resources and information about eating disorders, and help for friends and family.
Suicide prevention helpline and webchat (both 5pm-midnight). No longer for men only, they support anyone who needs to talk about life’s problems. They have a crisis helpline. They also support people who have been bereaved through suicide. Their website also contains information and resources about specific concerns and worries, including abuse, anger, anxiety, alcohol and drugs, bullying, depression, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, homelessness, sexuality, relationship breakdown and more.
Citizens Advice is a charity that offers confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free. They are independent and impartial, giving advice on They also have a consumer rights helpline, provide pension guidance, and support witnesses going through court proceedings. They provide advice on work, debts, finances, benefits, housing, the legal system, immigration, and more.
Bereavement support and counselling. They have a helpline, an online chat service, and local support groups. They can arrange 1:1 support, counselling and also support for children experiencing grief or bereavement.
Specialist dementia nursing charity that is there for the whole family. The nurses, known as Admiral Nurses, provide free, life-changing support and advice to anyone affected by dementia. There is a free helpline and you can also book virtual-online appointments with the nursing team to ask for advice and go through any questions that you may have.
Diabetes UK a leading charity. Their website provides information about all aspects of diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) including information about the prevention of type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, lifestyle advice, living with diabetes, information about treatments and the condition itself. They run a dedicated helpline with advisors who have an extensive knowledge of diabetes. They can provide information about the condition, take the time to talk things through and explore emotional, social, psychological or practical difficulties. There are also local support groups that patients can get involved in, and an online support community too.
A charity that supports people affected by smell and taste disorders across the world. They provide direct support, advice and a signpost to potential diagnosis and treatment to people affected by such conditions.
FLOWS is a legal support service, designed to help protect women against domestic abuse. They can provide advice on things such as injunctions (e.g. non-molestation orders), divorce, or what happens to somebody's home if leaving a partner.
Gingerbread is a charity providing support and advice to single parents, so that they have the tools to support their children and themselves. This includes information about benefits, bereavement, child care, child maintenance, contact arrangements, cost of living, housing, parental responsibility and more. They also have a supportive online community where people can meet other single parents and support each other. They have an advice helpline as well as online information.
HEART UK is the UK’s only cholesterol charity, providing support, information and influencing services for families and health professionals. Website contains information about cholesterol, triglycerides, medication, and lifestyle advice to help,
Charity that provides advice and support for anybody living with kidney disease. This can include advice, counselling, grants and funding, benefits advice. They have a helpline, and information leaflets about CKD, dialysis and more.
Resources for patients to help towards better self-management of their long term pain. Offers knowledge, tools and resources to help patients become clearer about their needs, manage or cope with their pain well and be more effective in their use of health care. There are also resources for doctors to support patients living with chronic pain.
Mankind is a charity supporting male victims of domestic abuse. They have a helpline that offers emotional support and practical help, including signposting to support services and making an escape plan.
Information for people who have had a miscarriage. Includes advice and information about miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, trying for pregnancy after miscarriage. Also ways of marking your loss, a support helpline.
The National Breastfeeding Helpline offers friendly, non-judgemental, independent, evidence based breastfeeding support and information to anyone in the UK who needs it. 9:30am-9:30pm daily. 0300 100 0212
Created by the Dementia Change Action Network, Next Steps provides information for people who have been referred for a memory assessment. It gives information about what to expect at a memory assessment. It also provides tools and resources to help people begin thinking about how they can continue doing what matters to them, and connects people to available sources of support.
Help for NHS front-line staff. Phoneline or text support, access to counselling, bereavement support, directory of other resources.
NHS service for mental health and wellbeing support for veterans, service leavers and reservists. Patients will be speaking with people who are either from the Armed Forces community or highly experienced in working with serving personnel, reservists, veterans and their families. Services include providing care and treatment for mental health problems, including therapeutic treatment for psychological trauma, and intensive emergency care in crisis. They also work with charities and local organisations to support patients with their wider health and wellbeing needs, such as housing, relationships, finances, employment, drug and alcohol misuse and social support.
Confidential support and advice service and helpline for children and young people under 35 years old who are contemplating suicide. They also have a digital platform that allows users to create and modify a suicide safety-plan with the help of the advisors. This is a plan that helps with safety when suicidal thoughts are feeling overwhelming. 9am – midnight every day of the year (Weekends and Bank Holidays included) - also have a text line and email address.
A charity supporting parents who are victims of child to parent violence. Parents can self-refer to the service where they are offered peer support, virtual drop-ins, sessions that teach coping strategies, and one to one support sessions.
A small volunteer led charity that aims to provide support and information about Pelvic Girdle Pain. Their website has good practical suggestions for things such as pain management, and approaches to tasks such as sitting, bathing, driving, sleeping, etc.
The Pituitary Foundation is a charity that offers practical, emotional and peer support to everyone living with or impacted by a pituitary condition, to feel empowered and live with a greater sense of wellbeing. Their website contains information about pituitary conditions such as acromegaly, cushing's, hypopituitarism, prolactinomas, pituitary adenomas and more. They also have a helpline run by endocrine nurses, a telephone buddy system and they run support groups.
24/7 National domestic abuse helpline for women experiencing domestic abuse. The helpline provides emotional and practical support. They can help with planning an escape, financial and legal advice, and can help find a refuge vacancy for people leaving an abusive situation.
Rock My Menopause was set up to give women the confidence to recognise and discuss their symptoms and equip families, friends, employers and the wider public with information about the menopause to support women at this time of life. Rock My Menopause is a campaign of the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum (PCWHF), providing expert medical guidance, direction and information about the menopause.
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope. It is a de-escalation, volunteer-driven service, working with people in immediate distress to take them to a calmer moment and empower them with support and techniques to take their next steps to feeling better and handle future issues, as well as possibly signposting someone to further support services or their GP so that they can get continuous and long-term support. It is not a service that can provide regular, ongoing support.
An organisation offering peer-to-peer support to all those over the age of 18, impacted by suicide loss in the UK. They help those bereaved by suicide to support each other, at the time of their loss and in the months and years that follow. They offer peer led support groups, online virtual support groups, a national telephone helpline, online community forum and email support.
Resources to support teenage mental health. Includes information leaflets and also links to four free mental health apps: Calm Harm (resisting self-harm impulses), Clear Fear (managing symptoms of anxiety), Move Mood (to help with low mood and depression), and Combined Minds (aimed at helping families and friends to provide mental health support). Resources on the website have sections aimed at teenagers, at schools, at healthcare professionals, at families and also at friends of somebody struggling with their mental health.
The Silver Line Helpline is a free, confidential telephone service just for older people. They provide friendship, conversation and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Depending on what kind of support somebody needs, they can direct people to certain services, groups or resources that may help. "Whether you’d like to exchange a quick “good morning” with someone, fancy a chat about how your day has gone, or need a trusted listening ear to share your thoughts and feelings with, we’re here to talk."
Charity with free helpline, advice, information and support for anybody suffering from tinnitus. They have summarised evidence on treatments for tinnitus (including complimentary ones) with advice on their efficacy and evidence base.
Resources and information for pregnancy and pregnancy loss. Includes a pregnancy hub with information about planning pregnancy, being pregnant, giving birth, and postnatal information. Pregnancy loss section includes information about miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, neonatal death, termination of pregnancy, and has links to their online community support groups.
Versus Arthritis is a charity that raises awareness and supports people with arthritis. Their website has information about arthritis and its various treatments, and other rheumatological conditions such as fibromyalgia. They also have a helpline for further information and advice. This page in particular has exercises to keep joints healthy and to help with arthritis related pains.
Victim Support helps anyone affected by crime. Not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved. It doesn’t matter when the crime took place, or whether it has been reported it to the police. They run a 24/7 helpline that is independent from the police, free and confidential.
Online community supporting people with a range of long term health conditions, encouraging them to find ways to be active. Developed by 16 leading health and social care charities and backed by expertise, insight and significant National Lottery funding from Sport England. Advice and suggestions on the website. People share their activities with the #WeAreUndefeatable .
Really great website of resources for parents and doctors. Developed with the NHS and RCPH, resources for both healthcare professionals and parents about maternal and child health. Includes: Information on common childhood illnesses, symptoms in pregnancy, postnatal health, maternal mental health, child safety, healthy living. For healthcare professionals there are also resources to support discussions about healthy living such as childhood obesity.
Information and support for women experiencing domestic abuse. Contains a survivor's handbook with advice about how to safely leave an abusive relationship. The website directs to other agencies for support including the Refuge domestic abuse helpline.