A directory of private counsellors. The website verifies that they are registered with the relevant professional bodies before adding them to the directory. You can search by location, type of therapy, and filter by in-person/online interactions.
Information about bladder and bowel issues in children. Includes bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation, soiling, witholding, toilet / potty training, giggle incontinence. Fact sheets and advice for parents and carers. Child-accessible information.
Confidential support and advice service and helpline for children and young people under 35 years old who are contemplating suicide. They also have a digital platform that allows users to create and modify a suicide safety-plan with the help of the advisors. This is a plan that helps with safety when suicidal thoughts are feeling overwhelming. 9am – midnight every day of the year (Weekends and Bank Holidays included) - also have a text line and email address.
RCOG has developed a number of helpful information leaflets for patients about various procedures and conditions. Includes leaflets on topics such as hysteroscopy, LLETZ, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, miscarriage, assisted delivery, pelvic girdle pain etc. A good place to source additional information for your patients.
Developed with the NHS and RCPH, What 0-18 has created information leaflets for common conditions seen in children in primary care. These can be sent to parents to provide additional information and safetynetting advice. Also known as 'healthier together'.
A resource created by NHS Scotland: self help resources for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Contains suggestions of strategies to manage issues with time management, anxiety, impulsiveness, attention, frustration, home management, problem solving, sleep etc.