Acne Support provides expert, impartial information from consultant dermatologists on the treatment, causes and prevention of acne, as well as advice on how to access emotional support. Includes information about different treatments available (both on prescription and over the counter/through beauty clinics), how they work etc.
Evidence has demonstrated that an anticholinergic burden of >3 increases risk of major cardiovascular events - the higher the score, the higher the risk. This website allows you to check different medications and calculate their ACB score to determine their anticholinergic burden risk. Allows you to consider this when you are considering prescribing new medications.
Impartial advice about equipment to help make daily living easier. You fill out a questionnaire that comprehensively takes you through activities you may struggle with (e.g. breaking down 'preparing drinks' into the steps involved), and then recommends aids that you may find helpful as a result.
Information leaflets about skin conditions and their treatments. This includes actinic keratosis, acne, balanitis, eczema, leg ulcers, viral warts, vulvodynia, lichen sclerosus, SCC, BCC, melanoma, hidradenitis and more. This website also has a section containing guidelines for clinicians (although they are presented as journal articles and are quite lengthy).
Calcium calculator to work out whether people with osteopenia/osteoporosis are getting enough dietary calcium. This can then guide whether calcium supplementation required.
Suicide prevention helpline and webchat (both 5pm-midnight). No longer for men only, they support anyone who needs to talk about life’s problems. They have a crisis helpline. They also support people who have been bereaved through suicide. Their website also contains information and resources about specific concerns and worries, including abuse, anger, anxiety, alcohol and drugs, bullying, depression, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, homelessness, sexuality, relationship breakdown and more.
Citizens Advice is a charity that offers confidential advice online, over the phone, and in person, for free. They are independent and impartial, giving advice on They also have a consumer rights helpline, provide pension guidance, and support witnesses going through court proceedings. They provide advice on work, debts, finances, benefits, housing, the legal system, immigration, and more.
Information to help weigh up the pros and cons of different contraceptive methods.
Specialist dementia nursing charity that is there for the whole family. The nurses, known as Admiral Nurses, provide free, life-changing support and advice to anyone affected by dementia. There is a free helpline and you can also book virtual-online appointments with the nursing team to ask for advice and go through any questions that you may have.
Diabetes UK a leading charity. Their website provides information about all aspects of diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) including information about the prevention of type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, lifestyle advice, living with diabetes, information about treatments and the condition itself. They run a dedicated helpline with advisors who have an extensive knowledge of diabetes. They can provide information about the condition, take the time to talk things through and explore emotional, social, psychological or practical difficulties. There are also local support groups that patients can get involved in, and an online support community too.
Diet information sheet for the management of raised triglycerides.
This leaflet can help you to increase your calorie and protein intake if you have a poor appetite or have lost weight. Following the guidance to include nourishing snacks and drinks in your diet can help stop further weight loss or start to increase your weight.
Information sheet for parents of children who are fussy eaters. Practical tips, and insights into the different sensory components of eating to try to break down and investigate the cause of the issue.
Aimed at young people but can be applicable to all relationships, self-help advice for going through a break-up and ways to help.
Living Made Easy is brought to you by the DLF, the charity previously known as the Disabled Living Foundation. Free impartial advice and information on solutions, gadgets, adaptations and aids to make life easier. Combine with Ask Sara, where you fill in a questionnaire and they make recommendations on aids which may help you around the house. Living Made Easy directs you to places where you may be able to purchase the aids you need.
Moodgym is like an interactive self-help book which helps you to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. Moodgym provides training in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), and consists of five interactive modules which are completed in order. These include information, interactive exercises, workbooks to record thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and quizzes with personalised feedback.
NHS service for mental health and wellbeing support for veterans, service leavers and reservists. Patients will be speaking with people who are either from the Armed Forces community or highly experienced in working with serving personnel, reservists, veterans and their families. Services include providing care and treatment for mental health problems, including therapeutic treatment for psychological trauma, and intensive emergency care in crisis. They also work with charities and local organisations to support patients with their wider health and wellbeing needs, such as housing, relationships, finances, employment, drug and alcohol misuse and social support.
Confidential support and advice service and helpline for children and young people under 35 years old who are contemplating suicide. They also have a digital platform that allows users to create and modify a suicide safety-plan with the help of the advisors. This is a plan that helps with safety when suicidal thoughts are feeling overwhelming. 9am – midnight every day of the year (Weekends and Bank Holidays included) - also have a text line and email address.
A youtube video created by a physiotherapist. In this seated dumbbell workout (drink bottles or food cans can also be used), there are a number of exercises covering different muscle groups. Designed as a beginner low intensity seated workout for those with limited mobility or who are older.
App designed to help with pelvic floor exercises. There is information for both men and women with pelvic floor dysfunction. Particularly helpful for women post-natally, the app guides you through an exercise plan and you can set reminders on your phone.
A youtube video that goes through some tai chi exercises for patients with fibromyalgia. Involves a number of seated exercises and low intensity exercises. A randomised control trial demonstrated evidence that exercise such as tai chi may be helpful for pain management in fibromyalgia; this video is one example of some exercises that they may find helpful.
The Silver Line Helpline is a free, confidential telephone service just for older people. They provide friendship, conversation and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Depending on what kind of support somebody needs, they can direct people to certain services, groups or resources that may help. "Whether you’d like to exchange a quick “good morning” with someone, fancy a chat about how your day has gone, or need a trusted listening ear to share your thoughts and feelings with, we’re here to talk."
Online community supporting people with a range of long term health conditions, encouraging them to find ways to be active. Developed by 16 leading health and social care charities and backed by expertise, insight and significant National Lottery funding from Sport England. Advice and suggestions on the website. People share their activities with the #WeAreUndefeatable .
Information for patients about possible next steps when presenting with gut problems: "If you have gut problems or problems with your poo, then it’s important that you get the right diagnosis. Your GP may suggest that you have several tests, examinations or investigations. We hope that this information will help you understand your pathway to getting a diagnosis and make things seem less overwhelming."