Confidential support and advice service and helpline for children and young people under 35 years old who are contemplating suicide. They also have a digital platform that allows users to create and modify a suicide safety-plan with the help of the advisors. This is a plan that helps with safety when suicidal thoughts are feeling overwhelming. 9am – midnight every day of the year (Weekends and Bank Holidays included) - also have a text line and email address.
Information for patients about possible next steps when presenting with gut problems: "If you have gut problems or problems with your poo, then it’s important that you get the right diagnosis. Your GP may suggest that you have several tests, examinations or investigations. We hope that this information will help you understand your pathway to getting a diagnosis and make things seem less overwhelming."
Suggested pathway for investigating abdominal pain/GI symptoms in adults and children. Aims to reduce time to diagnosis by suggesting ways to co-investigate various possible causes of pain, as well as providing advice on red flag symptoms to watch out for.