Impartial advice about equipment to help make daily living easier. You fill out a questionnaire that comprehensively takes you through activities you may struggle with (e.g. breaking down 'preparing drinks' into the steps involved), and then recommends aids that you may find helpful as a result.
Calcium calculator to work out whether people with osteopenia/osteoporosis are getting enough dietary calcium. This can then guide whether calcium supplementation required.
Resources for patients to help towards better self-management of their long term pain. Offers knowledge, tools and resources to help patients become clearer about their needs, manage or cope with their pain well and be more effective in their use of health care. There are also resources for doctors to support patients living with chronic pain.
Living Made Easy is brought to you by the DLF, the charity previously known as the Disabled Living Foundation. Free impartial advice and information on solutions, gadgets, adaptations and aids to make life easier. Combine with Ask Sara, where you fill in a questionnaire and they make recommendations on aids which may help you around the house. Living Made Easy directs you to places where you may be able to purchase the aids you need.
A youtube video created by a physiotherapist. In this seated dumbbell workout (drink bottles or food cans can also be used), there are a number of exercises covering different muscle groups. Designed as a beginner low intensity seated workout for those with limited mobility or who are older.
BMJ article that compared effect of tai chi versus aerobic exercise for fibromyalgia: comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trial. Outcome was a reduction in symptom score that was greater in those who did tai chi exercises. Article may be used to facilitate discussions with patients around tai chi or other stretching exercises as a pain management strategy in fibromyalgia.
A youtube video that goes through some tai chi exercises for patients with fibromyalgia. Involves a number of seated exercises and low intensity exercises. A randomised control trial demonstrated evidence that exercise such as tai chi may be helpful for pain management in fibromyalgia; this video is one example of some exercises that they may find helpful.
Educational tool that aims to inspire research-based action in the treatment of chronic pain. Animated and written information about understanding chronic pain, and learning to overcome it. Useful resource links about understanding pain and moving towards recovery.
Information leaflets about gout, its treatments, and dietary advice
Versus Arthritis is a charity that raises awareness and supports people with arthritis. Their website has information about arthritis and its various treatments, and other rheumatological conditions such as fibromyalgia. They also have a helpline for further information and advice. This page in particular has exercises to keep joints healthy and to help with arthritis related pains.
Whole body seated exercises (for seniors). The video has been created by a physiotherapist and is a beginner full chair workout covering exercises for every area of your body. Get stronger, improve your flexibility and fitness. Move better, feel better. This session goes for 55 minutes. May be helpful for patients with limited mobility who want to increase their activity levels, strength, flexibility.