A directory of private counsellors. The website verifies that they are registered with the relevant professional bodies before adding them to the directory. You can search by location, type of therapy, and filter by in-person/online interactions.
*Needs a login* - free subscription for a certain number of views per month. Table of different brands of HRT, detailing what each one contains, form of HRT (e.g. sequential vs continuous combined), and how to take. Useful particularly when starting HRT, deciding between patches etc.
Moodgym is like an interactive self-help book which helps you to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. Moodgym provides training in cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), and consists of five interactive modules which are completed in order. These include information, interactive exercises, workbooks to record thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and quizzes with personalised feedback.