Alternative ways to use the COCP, including tricycling or continuous pill taking. Information leaflet advising on these methods vs standard 3 week on 1 week off method.
*Needs a login* - free subscription for a certain number of views per month. Table of different brands of HRT, detailing what each one contains, form of HRT (e.g. sequential vs continuous combined), and how to take. Useful particularly when starting HRT, deciding between patches etc.
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope. It is a de-escalation, volunteer-driven service, working with people in immediate distress to take them to a calmer moment and empower them with support and techniques to take their next steps to feeling better and handle future issues, as well as possibly signposting someone to further support services or their GP so that they can get continuous and long-term support. It is not a service that can provide regular, ongoing support.