Louise Newson is a GP and menopause specialist and holds an Advanced Menopause Specialist certificate with FSRH and the BMS. She has created a website of information about the menopause and HRT, with resources for patients and healthcare professionals.
The balance app is designed by Dr Louise Newson (GP and menopause specialist). Allows patients to track their menopause symptoms, get access to specialist information, and join a community of like-minded people to share experiences.
British Pregnancy Advisory Service - patients can self-refer to BPAS if considering an abortion. Resources on the website give information about termination of pregnancy including medical vs surgical management. Phone number on their website to contact and arrange treatment. BPAS provide pre and post-abortion counselling and discussion.
Gov UK information leaflet about colposcopy as part of cervical screening program - what's involved, what results mean, what treatment involves and the risks.
Information to help weigh up the pros and cons of different contraceptive methods.
Alternative ways to use the COCP, including tricycling or continuous pill taking. Information leaflet advising on these methods vs standard 3 week on 1 week off method.
Family planning association (FPA) information booklets. Written for patients, also helpful for doctors. Leaflets about contraceptive methods, emergency contraception, STIs, postnatal health, and abortion.
Guidance for prescribing contraception in women over 40yrs. Includes when to safely stop contraception, how to co-prescribe with HRT, and safety considerations.
Information about cervical screening for transgender men and non-binary people. Discusses what cervical screening is, what to expect, tips to help if you find it distressing.
*Needs a login* - free subscription for a certain number of views per month. Table of different brands of HRT, detailing what each one contains, form of HRT (e.g. sequential vs continuous combined), and how to take. Useful particularly when starting HRT, deciding between patches etc.
Information for people who have had a miscarriage. Includes advice and information about miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, trying for pregnancy after miscarriage. Also ways of marking your loss, a support helpline.
Rock My Menopause was set up to give women the confidence to recognise and discuss their symptoms and equip families, friends, employers and the wider public with information about the menopause to support women at this time of life. Rock My Menopause is a campaign of the Primary Care Women’s Health Forum (PCWHF), providing expert medical guidance, direction and information about the menopause.
RCOG has developed a number of helpful information leaflets for patients about various procedures and conditions. Includes leaflets on topics such as hysteroscopy, LLETZ, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, miscarriage, assisted delivery, pelvic girdle pain etc. A good place to source additional information for your patients.
UKMEC (medical eligibility criteria) for contraceptive prescribing.
Detailed factsheets on the most common gynaecological conditions and sexual health. Helpful information and infographics for HRT including a factsheet on risk factors for breast cancer (putting HRT into context).