British Pregnancy Advisory Service - patients can self-refer to BPAS if considering an abortion. Resources on the website give information about termination of pregnancy including medical vs surgical management. Phone number on their website to contact and arrange treatment. BPAS provide pre and post-abortion counselling and discussion.
Summary of evidence for medicine use in pregnancy. Useful for doctors but can also be helpful for decision making for patients. Produced by the UK teratology information service.
Information leaflet from Patient UK about advice during pregnancy. Includes information on food and drink to avoid, vitamins and supplements, smoking. alcohol, sex, drugs, working, and more. Useful when trying to conceive or during first pregnancy call.
Information for people who have had a miscarriage. Includes advice and information about miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, trying for pregnancy after miscarriage. Also ways of marking your loss, a support helpline.
The National Breastfeeding Helpline offers friendly, non-judgemental, independent, evidence based breastfeeding support and information to anyone in the UK who needs it. 9:30am-9:30pm daily. 0300 100 0212
A small volunteer led charity that aims to provide support and information about Pelvic Girdle Pain. Their website has good practical suggestions for things such as pain management, and approaches to tasks such as sitting, bathing, driving, sleeping, etc.
RCOG has developed a number of helpful information leaflets for patients about various procedures and conditions. Includes leaflets on topics such as hysteroscopy, LLETZ, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, miscarriage, assisted delivery, pelvic girdle pain etc. A good place to source additional information for your patients.
App designed to help with pelvic floor exercises. There is information for both men and women with pelvic floor dysfunction. Particularly helpful for women post-natally, the app guides you through an exercise plan and you can set reminders on your phone.
Resources and information for pregnancy and pregnancy loss. Includes a pregnancy hub with information about planning pregnancy, being pregnant, giving birth, and postnatal information. Pregnancy loss section includes information about miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, neonatal death, termination of pregnancy, and has links to their online community support groups.
Really great website of resources for parents and doctors. Developed with the NHS and RCPH, resources for both healthcare professionals and parents about maternal and child health. Includes: Information on common childhood illnesses, symptoms in pregnancy, postnatal health, maternal mental health, child safety, healthy living. For healthcare professionals there are also resources to support discussions about healthy living such as childhood obesity.